Ravel Python API Reference
A Database-Defined Network Controller
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 |oCSqlObjMatchRegular expression for matching a SQL component within an application's SQL implementation
 |oCAppConsoleSuperclass for an application's sub-shell
 |oCAppComponentA component in an application's SQL implementation
 |\CApplicationA Ravel application
 |\CRavelConsoleCommand line interface for Ravel
 |\CRavelDbA representation of Ravel's backend PostgreSQL database
 |\CEnvironmentThe executing environment for the Ravel CLI
 |oCSwitchA representation of an OpenFlow switch
 |oCMatchA match object for an OpenFlow flow modification message
 |oCOfMessageA OpenFlow flow modification message
 |\CBarrierMessageAn OpenFlow barrier message
 |oCConsumableMessageA consumable message
 |oCMessageSenderA message sender
 |oCMessageReceiverA message receiver
 |oCMsgQueueSenderA message queue-based message sender
 |oCMsgQueueReceiverA message queue-based message receiver
 |oCRpcSenderA remote procedure call-based message sender
 |oCRpcReceiverA remote procedure call-based message receiver
 |\COvsSenderA message sender using ovs-ofctl to communicate with switches
 |oCNetworkProviderSuperclass for a network provider
 |oCEmptyNetProviderA provider for an empty network
 |oCMininetProviderA Mininet network provider
 |oCAddLinkMessageA consumable message for adding a new link
 |oCRemoveLinkMessageA consumable message for removing a link
 |oCAddSwitchMessageA consumable message for adding a switch
 |oCRemoveSwitchMessageA consumable message for removing a switch
 |oCAddHostMessageA consumable message for adding a host
 |\CRemoveHostMessageA consumable message for removing a host
 |oCOfManagerManange communication with an OpenFlow controller
 |\CPoxInstanceA representation of a Pox process
 |oCPerfCounterStore timing information for a single operation
 |\CProfiledExecutionStart a new profiled execution and collect performance counters
  oCConnectionTypeA enum for connection protocols between database triggers and the OpenFlow manager
  \CConfigParametersClass containing parameters parsed from Ravel's configuration file